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Mulch Glue FAQUpdated a year ago


Question: Which products do I use?

Answer: Use Liquid Rubber Mulch Glue

Question: How much do I need?

Answer: 1 gallon per 50 sq ft (4.7 sq/m) For 2 coats  To see which products you need and what the coverage rates are for your project, click here.

Answer: To determine how much you need, divide your total square footage by the coverage rate provided. Example: You have 25 sq ft of surface area and the Mulch Glue coverage rate is 1 gallon per 50 sq ft.  so 25/50 = 0.5 gallons of the Mulch Glue. (Apply in multiple coats until all material has been used.). Coverage rates are expressed in final coverage and will include all coats needed to achieve membrane thickness.

Question: What tools do I need to apply my Liquid Rubber Mulch Glue? 

Answer: Use a garden sprayer or watering pot to apply.

Question: Do you have application guidelines/instructions to help me with my installation? 

Answer: Yes. Application guidelines can be found on our project pages (click here) or on our product pages (click here).

Question: Do you have application videos to help me with my installation? 

Answer: We don't have an application video yet, but we are working on it.

Question: Can Liquid Rubber products be applied to...? 


  • Pine
  • Straw
  • Cypress
  • Bark
  • Pea Gravel
  • Stone
  • Rubber Mulch
  • And More

Question: Do I need to clean the mulch first?

Answer: For Pea Gravel/Stone we recommend rinsing with a garden hose before letting it dry, as there types of material can arrive with a silty deposit. Contamination like this may prevent a strong bond from being achieved between your gravel. Raking or turning the mulch or gravel periodically during this period will help it to dry more quickly and evenly. Applications to damp mulch or gravel may affect adhesion of the product, so try to be sure it is dry before application. 

Question: Can I use this on a walkway or driveway?

Answer: Liquid Rubber Mulch Glue is not for use in pedestrian walkways, for vehicular traffic or where significant water flow occurs (e.g., downspouts, roof runoff).

Question: How long will it last?

Answer: Typically lasts up to 12 months. Re-application may be needed at the beginning of each spring season, depending on environmental conditions.

Question: How do I clean my tools?

Answer: Be sure to rinse all tools and sprayers very well with warm water immediately after use.

Question: What if I have a problem or question with an application?

Answer: Our technical support team is here to help you, just reach out to call. email or chat with one of our representatives.

Answer: You very well may find the answer you are looking for in one of our application guidelines, which can be found on our project pages here.

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